New Beginnings, Inc.

Goal: $30,000.00

Specific Need

Current projects of New Beginnings Inc.

  • Growing the tranistional jobs program  - Need: Truck to pull equipment trailer and equipment for lawns and carpet cleaning
  • Growing social enterprises to provide employment opportunities and to self sustain New Beginnings Inc overall  - Need: Investors
  • Adding staff to NOEL Lodge for daytime shelter - Need: $60,000


To shelter and rebuild human lives while fostering solutions to affordable housing and stable employment.

As stated by our President/CEO: New Beginnings is an agent of caring - a place of outreach for the community; a place where individual needs are met by universal caring; a place where each person is our brother and our sister; a place where we each benefit from sharing our hearts and our resources; a place where we are constantly renewed


New Beginnings Inc. is a complex organization made up of mutliple programs and community solutions. The needs of New Beginnings Inc. are just as complex. If you are supportive of what New Beginnings Inc. has done in our community, then we respectfully request you consider a gift to continue that work. 

30 years ago we started as a 2 story house on Avenue A.

As of 2024 New Beginnings Inc. is:

Housing over 500 people in Low Income Apartment Complexes

Housing  people seeking sober living in 6 Oxford Houses run by Oxford House

Housing 3 families in Rental Housing

Housing 9 families in Crown Homes who will be able to purchase their home next year

Housing over 40 people in Transitional Housing Apartments

Sheltering over 250 individuals per year in Emergency Shelter

Employing over 40 idividuals per year in Tranistional Employment

Housing over 12 families in Moderate Income Housing

The growth of New Beginnings Inc. in the past 30 years is directly contributed to the support of the community. Thank you to our community heros! We appreciate you and look forward to a continued friendship! 


PO Box 2504
Hutchinson, KS 67504-2504
Phone: (620) 960-1118

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